Thursday 30 June 2011

Initial Proposal

Island Name : Kapas Island
Group name : S.O.S

Names of members : 

Kong Joan  1091100274 ( leader)
Phoon Yip Lynn  1092700530 
Chan Mei Wui   1091102754
Tan Guan Kiat  1091100882
Muhamad Aizuddin  1081105304

- to let people know more about Kapas Island
- provide more information for tourist about Kapas Island
- to let everyone know the beauty of Kapas Island
- easy and convenient for the tourist to refer for more information
- provide people more choices for vacation

Brief description and reasons

A website that is all about Kapas Island will be created in order to attract more tourists to Kapas Island and provide them sufficient information. The culture, living styles, the food and the people there will be introduced. And also, the attraction of Kapas Island and the activities will be listed such as snorkelling, swimming, diving, wind surfing, kayaking, scuba diving, boating or just pure relaxation. Furthermore, the website will show a lot of real pictures of Kapas Island like the unspoiled sandy beach and clear blue water
  • Tell about what can we do in Pulau Kapas : scuba diving, snorkeling, deep-sea fishing, squid fishing, jungle trekking, windsurfing and sailing
  • Night life in Kapas Island: prime nightspot of Kapas Island, BBQ area for open-air dining
  • Describe about the beach of Kapas island
Reasons: The soft white sand on the island is a great place to relax and the beaches on the island are excellent for vacation. Kapas island is a good place to refuge the busy life in city.

Demographics of the end-user/target audience profile
·         -> Target audiences: Gen Y (From 1980an above)
·         -> Characteristic : It can’t live without gadgets
·        -> Design or development : It must clear on information and graphic user interface

Five Sub-topics
  •       Introduction : introduce the history of Kapas Island to the viewer and show them the culture of the people living there and some kinds of businesses in the Island
  •    How to go? : show the map and the ways how to getting there and also the fare will be charged
  •       Attraction : Attractions and activities on the island will be listed to let viewers know more about the island
  •      Accommodation : The details of accommodation on the island will be provided so that the tourist can easily get the contacts and compare the prices or which hotel they prefer. 
  •   Webmasters: introduce or write biodata of each of our members who have involved in the website.
Group member responsibility
·   Kong Joan (leader) : distribute tasks, create and design group website , responsible on webmaster and home pages and check the group members on their parts.
    Phoon Yip Lynn : responsible on Introduction page and design the webpage
    Tan Guan Kiat : responsible on How to go? page and design the webpage
    Chan Mei Wui : responsible on Attraction page and design the webpage
    Muhammad Aizuddin : responsible on Accommodation page and design the webpage

Initial Design


Initial Layout


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Proposal is ok. Missing on the blog is the list of responsibilities. Also, where are the individual pages? You have not created individual pages for each member to show their progress with the project.You need to show more like content for each individual links, images, references. But not progress for about 2 months.

    As such, your assessment is C+

  3. All your individual links are not progress on assignment 3 but on your assign1. So you need to progress faster on your assignment 3.
