Introduction - Lynn



Description on the individual link
The creation of this individual link is to introduce the history and geology of Kapas Island. The images of the kapas island are present to show how nice is the island. The description of the history and geology can let the viewer get more information on the Kapas Island.

Objective of the link
The main objective of this link is to introduce the Kapas Island's history and geology to all the viewer. This link also provide the viewer which are going to Kapas Island to know more about it. Then they will know which beach is bigger or the location of the garden or hotel.

Design of GUI

This is the initail layout for my group's website. On the top of the left side, it will be our group logo. Beside the logo, it is my group's designed banner and other subtopic banners. There will be 6 buttons below the banner. Each button represents different links and each links will be design by our different member. So it gonna show out different style of our group member. Below the button, it will be the content. So when you click on the different button, it will show up different content. And the content will based on the subtopic present it out. Normally the content will be present by words, image, flash and video. Below the contents, it will be the signature of my group (copyrighted).

Layout and Flowchart for the Individual site- Phoon Yip Lynn( Introduction)
I'm going to use this layout as my individual site page (INTRODUCTION). When the viewer is click on the button of introduction, this layout will be coming out. The top of the left side is our group logo. Beside the logo, it will be the subtopic banner which means is for the introduction banner. Below the banner, it will be the button for other links. I'm going to put flash inside my individual site which locate at the left side of the content. The right side will be 2 button which are named by HISTORY and GEOLOGY. When the viewer click on the history, it will come out the history of Kapas Island. To be a friendly user website, i will create a back link under the content. So when the viewer finish read about the history, they can click on the back, to get into the homepage of the introduction webpage. After that, they can click on the geology to get more information about Kapas Island. Below the content, there will be always our group's signature (copyrighted).

This is the flow chart for doing my individual site (introduction).
Photoshop and flash will be used to create the logo, banner, button and other image.
The dreamweaver will be used for create the website. 


Pulau Kapas also named as Cotton Island, it easy to let the foreigner to remember the name. This peculiar name is attributed to the pure white beach trademark of this island. When you hear this name, u gets no surprise on it. The sand is just same like cotton, soft and white. Once you have walked along the beach, u can feel it. The white and slopes gently into the crystal clear water.

Kapas Island is your hopes for an idyllic tropical island. It has swaying palm trees, untouched jungle which gently lapping at the beach and colourful coral reefs just off the shore. Its accessibility from the mainland make its popular for locals for daytrips and fairly good availability of budget accommodation means that is also popular.

The waters around the island abound with sea-shells, fish and turtles. You can have a lot of water sport or activities on it. Most popular is the snorkeling and underwater diving a stretched of shallow coral reefs of the island’s western shore. When the monsoon season peaks (November to March), you can expect to more rain and rough sea.

During the months of May to August, you can go squid fishing. There is an abundance of corals and other marine life, visibility is good and the water is shallow and calm. Because the coral is mainly around the rocky edges of the island, you can still go swimming off the beautiful beaches, even at low tide.
Kapas Island is popular with locals for day trips and over weekends and public holiday.

by Lynn ( )

This is the information that she had collected and want to put it in the website.