Saturday 20 August 2011

Attraction - Chan Mei Wui


Description on the individual link (Attractions)
The creation of this individual link is to introduce the attractions of Pulau Kapas to viewers. Real pictures of the attractions of Pulau Kapas will be presented to show how is the place and how beautiful is the island. Furthermore, the descriptions of  each attraction can let the viewers gain more information about the island.

Objective of the link
The main objectives of this link is to promote Pulau Kapas to the viewers. Thereby increase the number of local and foreign tourists to the island. And also, to let the people know that there is a beautiful island in Malaysia so that people can spend their holidays and enjoy in Pulau Kapas.

Design of GUI

This is the initial layout of my group website. There will be a banner for the site and below are the links for the particular sub topic. The tittle in the banner of the website is " Pulau Kapas". The subtopics are introduction, how to go, attractions , accommodation, and webmaster. Before you click for further information, there will be a slide show embed in the website to show some picture in the website to gain some attraction of the viewer and to show the general things will be presented in the website.

Flow chart and layout of the individual site- Chan Mei Wui ( Attractions)

This is the initial layout that i'm gonna use in my individual site. When the viewer clicks into my site, a flash or a video of the attractions of Pulau Kapas will be shown in the top of the left. The content will be categorized to four groups ( yellow boxes). When the viewer click into one of those, it will link to another page that shows all the information and pictures of the related content. 

This is the flow chart of my individual site. 

Photoshop will be used to edit and create the banners and pictures of the website. Dreamweaver will be used to create the website. 

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